The Office of Campus Ministry and the Center for Cultural Engagement hosted a roundtable discussion called, 鈥淲hat we can learn from St. Josephine Bakhita About Mission and Evangelization on College Campuses Today鈥 on Feb. 8. It was another in a series of important discussions happening during Black History Month on campus.
St. Josephine was an enslaved person who fought for and won her freedom, converted to 成人直播网站ism, and joined the Canossian Sisters in Venice. She is the patron saint of Sudan.
The discussion and lunch featured Father Urey Mark and the Lyke House Bowman Scholars from Georgia State University was held in the Nest in the Pryzbyla Center.
Later that day, a Mass at St. Vincent Chapel celebrated the feast day with Father Mark presiding. The emotionally stirring afternoon Mass featured music from the Lyke House Bowman Scholars and the Gospel Choir from Georgia State University.
A slideshow of the Mass by University Photographer Patrick G. Ryan is below.